Monday, March 9, 2009

Hype Machine Officially Sells Out

Ladies & gentlemen, today is a very very sad day. One of my favorite new music sites has gone down the dark path of the sell out. has made one very small yet pivotal change to their website that has turned them from democracy to dictatorship. From cool to tool. From fame to lame. Hard to soft. Apple to Microsoft. 

In its previous form, the hype machine front page featured new posts from all blogs, big and small, everyone had equal exposure and the sites visitors decided what they liked by clicking on a "Heart" next to the song. Today, Hype Machine has destroyed that concept by changing the default view to a rather silly category called the "Top 100" blogs. You may say to yourself, well what's the big deal. The big deal my friends is that now instead of the people selecting from an unbiased and open ended group of blogs, they are limited to a selection of blogs they may or may not care for. A selection of blogs with what could be fabricated Technorati and scores. Now don't get me wrong, some of these blogs are deserving but looking at the music on the front page of Hype today vs the past, I really don't think thats the majority. 
You know why a lot of people hate the radio so much? Because people don't have a choice. Now, what use to be the beacon of hope against the radio heads down that very path. 

My friends, this is a very very sad day. Many of us feel disheartened to see the death of what was once a fantastic concept. The death of choice. Sure you can click to see the losers/all blogs section but everyone knows the most visited and viewed pages for a website is the home page so Anthony don't insult our intelligence. Hype Machine has officially sold out my friends. The sense of community has been destroyed. The soul of the site has been sold to the devil and all that's left is a lame list of "Top 100" blogs to show for it. So for the people at Hype, I hope this money driven change makes you a lot of money and I hope that maybe one day another site picks up where you left off. You've done a great thing by introducing that concept to the world but a worst thing by destroying it. 

Hype Machine R.I.P

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